The sixth edition of the Sustainable Economy Forum will be held on April 11, 2024.
A different economy, not with the aim of profit, but to support the growth of the country and individuals for a fairer world.
This is why San Patrignano and Confindustria give life again to the Sustainable Economy Forum on 11 April 2024.
This important event has been a moment of reflection and sharing experiences about key themes of sustainability and responsibility in various forms and areas for six years.
Intesa Sanpaolo bank is the institutional partner and gives the opportunity, this year, to hold the event in a mixed way, in person and online.
There will be two keynote speeches: one by Raffaele Fitto, Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the PNRR, and the second one by Amani Abou–Zeid, Commissioner for the African Union for Infrastructure and Energy.
In addition to their speeches, many others will be dedicated to green, the digital world, education and innovation, finance, banking and foundations, infrastructure and energy, and Africa and Italy’s contribution to the close on the socio-economic dimension of sustainability.
The purpose is to stimulate reflection, the exchange of experiences and the search for long-term solutions to the increasingly pressing challenges that our time places us.
Thanks to the participation of E4Impact, the assignment of the Gian Marco Moratti Award 2024 to the best sustainable business idea in Africa will also take place during the event.
The Sustainable Economy Forum 2024 is promoted by San Patrignano and Confindustria, with Intesa Sanpaolo as the institutional partner and Enel as the main partner. Top event partners are Farmindustria, Gruppo 24Ore, Igp Decaux, Ima Spa, newcleo, and Umana. Assimpredil Ance, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Fondimpresa, and Google as event partners. With the support di Fondazione Italiana Accenture.